I agree with Cher when she said that aging sucks. It can suck but I also have to practice acceptance if I am going to get older gracefully, which I want to do. Therefore, I accept the fact that aging ... Continue Reading
Living the dream with Courtney Love
Several years ago, or maybe it was a decade (who can remember), my then writing partner and I wrote a spec screenplay that received all kinds of Hollywood buzz. You know, the buzz that first time ... Continue Reading
Jiggling Your Boobs Is Healthy
I don’t know why or how the weird and outrageous find me, but they do, and because they do, you are the lucky beneficiaries.
I bring you the Beauty Lift High Nose. My god, who was in this ... Continue Reading
The NotMom Summit 2015
Childless and childfree women come in lots of shapes and sizes. We are all colors, all cultures, and all ages. As much as we have in ... Continue Reading
Betrayal and Trust: This Video Speaks Volumes
Trust is everything and it's betrayal can have everlasting and profound effects. Then I saw this. I took the liberty of transcribing it ... Continue Reading
Tripping with My Ex-Boyfriend’s Daughter
Does a stepparent relinquish their title, and the unspoken rights, responsibilities, support, ... Continue Reading
What Are You Buying Your Children For Christmas?
One of the most frustrating and annoying things about being a Girlfriend Mom (and there are many) is the part in the show where my objections for this thing or that thing, fall on deaf ears. ... Continue Reading
All Roads Lead to The Vagina
I was at my dermatologist recently for my semi-annual skin check—I’ve had things. I'm waiting in the room for the doctor, wearing my poly blend gown, and browsing through pamphlets prominently ... Continue Reading
Is Your Vagina Stoned?
Getting my lady parts stoned was never on my 'to do' list. Every ... Continue Reading